Today we will make Falooda recipe at home. Falooda is very easy to make and can be prepared with ingredients available at home. Royal Falooda is famous in Mumbai today we will make this tasty falooda recipe. In this homemade falooda recipe I used simple ingredients like sabja seeds, sevai and milk. We will make this falooda with ice cream to make it more tasty. Falooda banavani rit is really simple so do try out this Falooda recipe and don’t forget share the pictures with me on Instagram.
- Milk
- Sevai
- Sabja Seeds (Takmaria)
- Rose Syrup
- Chopped Almonds (Badam)
- Chopped Pistachios (Pista)
- Vanilla Ice Cream
- 1 Teaspoon Sugar
- Soak sabja seeds for 15-20 minutes.
- Now boil some water and add sugar. Add sevai and boil it. I have used rava sevai you can use wheat sevai also. In 3-5 minutes it will be boiled well.
- Once the sevai is boiled, drain the water and remove it in a bowl.
- In a glass add some rose syrup, soaked sabja seeds and sevai. Pour some milk and give it a stir.
- Add ice cream, drizzle some rose syrup and garnish it with chopped almonds and chopped pistachios.
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